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File Import

Selecting 'Import' brings up a dialog box of the file structure on the computer. By selecting the appropriate file filter from the drop down box, different file formats can be selected, depending on the available license.
Currently, the following CAD file formats are supported:
- STL (Stereolithography) both ASCII and Binary formats are supported and the type is automatically detected during import
- OBJ (Wavefront). Most geometry is supported (triangles and quadrilaterals are the most common though some more complex shapes can be successfully loaded). Texture, color and materials are currently not supported.
-DAE (Collada) files have only very basic support. Files exported from Sketchup usually load though the conversion will usually encounter issues if the data is more complex.
- VRML is supported though only a basic implementation that extracts data from the geometry nodes. More complex shapes, color and materials are currently not supported.
- X3D is only supported at the same level of complexity as vrml files.
- GDML files are supported to a fairly high level but only for triangular surfaces and materials are not translated in full. Part names are imported.

In addition to the CAD formats, FE mesh files (depending on license) are supported (only geometry, no boundary/setup data):
- Nastran BDF/NAS/DAT, allows loading of surface and volume elements and nodes.
- Ansys Poly files are supported for import.
- Ensight (GEO/CASE) files are supported in the binary format (Ensight Gold format)
- Patran (OUT) formats are supported for basic import
- GMsh files (GMSH/MSH) files are supported in both ASCII and binary format for versions 1.0, 2.0. only solid/surface elements are provided in that format.
-CFE Mesh files are supported for Surface elements only.

File Append

File appending works with CAD files only and allows a second file to be loaded in addition to anything that is already present without overwriting the existing data. This option requires a Design or FE license.

File Export

The same file formats as for import are also supported for export (depending on license). In addition, the export also supports the STP (Step, AP-214) format which is not available for import. Depending on what data has been loaded, export formats may differ (if the mesh is to be exported into a FE format but only a CAD mesh is loaded, it first needs to be converted).