Images for Press Release (Aug 25th, 2021)

"César - Louvre Museum" by Benjamin Bardou is licensed under CC Attribution.

Cesar Full
Initial Mesh (unattached bodies removed)
Cesar Detail
Detail View, 1,451,542 Facets
Cesar Preview
NURBS Patching Preview: 16,531 patches
Cesar Preview, 6k
NURBS Preview - 6k patches
Cesar Converted
Converted, 5,708 actual NURBS surfaces
Cesar Converted, with Edges
Converted, showing boundaries

Mechanical Shape (milled pocket)

Initial Body
Mechanical with Edges
Initial Body, showing Edges
Highlight of detected features
Showing Detected Features
Highlight of detected features with Edges
Showing Detected Features (with Edges)
Mech Converted
Converted (25 cylinders, 9 polygons, 15 quadrilaterals)
placeholder image for additional views

"Sculpture “Bust of Róża Loewenfeld" by Malopolska's Virtual Museums.

Sculpture Initial
Initial Mesh, detail view (Normals fixed)
Sculpture Smoothed
Smoothed Mesh, 364,728 Facets
Sculpture Preview
NURBS Patching Preview: 11,640 patches
Sculpture Preview, 5k
NURBS Preview - 5k patches
Sculpture Converted
Converted, 4,849 actual NURBS surfaces
Sculpture Converted, with Edges
Converted, showing boundaries

"Super Meat Boy Free" by moxstudios is licensed under CC Attribution.

Meat Boy Detail
Initial Mesh, detail view (only main body)
Meat Boy, high res
NURBS Preview, 11,386 patches
Meat Boy, low res
NURBS Preview, 2,000 patches
Meat Boy Preview, 5k
NURBS Preview - 5k patches
Meat Boy Converted
Converted, 4,849 actual NURBS surfaces
Meat Boy Converted, with Edges
Converted, showing boundaries